Thursday, October 14, 2010


Photo 1 - Max:

Photo 2 - Max:
Yes, they're both mine; Lucas hasn't been posting photos recently, so after I'd posted photo #1 (and someone inexplicably voted "Tie"), I just decided to fill up the empty space where #2 should go with another of mine.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Photo 1, by Lucas:

Photo 2, by Max:
I think this photo was/is completely unedited (SOOC), which is more than I can say for photo #1, which was given selective focus in Picasa. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Streams or rivers

Picture 1, by Lucas:

Picture 2, by Max:
Too good to be true

Friday, October 1, 2010

B&W of a cat

Picture 1, by Lucas:

Picture 2, by Max:
I know it's out of focus - manual focusing isn't very easy for me.
However,isn't she still kind of cute in this photo, especially since she's facing the camera?
If only I'd had this one in focus; now that would be a keeper (in my opinion - you may disagree).

Monday, September 27, 2010

Macro of a coin

Picture 1, by Lucas:

Picture 2, by Max:
Come on people; the shield is in focus; isn't it kind of an interesting shot?
I think Lucas is bribing people or something to vote for him.

A Random Macro

Macro 1, by Lucas: One of my favorite friends, the more I see of him the better I feel. lol

Photo 2, by Max
Yes, I know the photo is really not very good.  however, perhaps something can be said for the "light and dark sides" lighting

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Moon

Picture 1, by Lucas

Picture 2, by Max

You can clearly see the advantage of a longer focal length in moon shots; Lucas was using an EF 75-300mm lens, which equates to 480mm on his camera due to its APS-C (cropped-frame) sensor.
I (Max) used a 55-250mm EF-S lens and cropped the photo...perhaps if I had had a camera with more megapixels, such as the 7D, I'd have been able to zoom in more and get more detail.
480mm vs. 250mm; not very fair there, is it?